Power Street, Glendenning
Power Street, Glendenning
Charlton Christian College, Fassifern
Charlton Christian College, Fassifern
St Brigid's Primary School, Coogee
St Brigid's Primary School, Coogee
Hunter Pacific International, Dural
Hunter Pacific International, Dural
Mary Richardson Building, Roseville College
Mary Richardson Building, Roseville College
Beecroft Buddies
Beecroft Buddies
  • Power Street, Glendenning
  • Charlton Christian College, Fassifern
  • St Brigid's Primary School, Coogee
  • Hunter Pacific International, Dural
  • Mary Richardson Building, Roseville College
  • Beecroft Buddies


Cash McInnes Projects undertake a wide range of projects throughout the Sydney Metropolitan area.

Current Projects

Shellharbour Anglican College

Client: The Anglican Schools Corporation

Completion: December 2024

Value: $ 9,900,000

Construction of a Learning Centre, including retaining walls, paved apron, landscaping, lower access driveway and parking and paved entry. Construction of elevated boardwalk and associated landscaping.

Sydney Real Tennis

Client: Sydney Real Tennis Club Inc

Completion: July 2024

Value: $ 2,000,000

Design, Development and Construction of an indoor Sports Hall

St Luke’s – Headland Sports Facility, North Curl Curl

Client: Sydney Anglican Schools

Completion: November 2023

Value: $ 1,430,000

Convert three industrial units into a Sports Centre for St Luke’s Grammar School.

Leppington Anglican College-COLA

Client: Sydney Anglican Schools

Completion: October 2023

Value: $ 700,000

Construct a new COLA and Prep School play area

Hills Adventist College-Middle School Stage 2

Client: Seventh Day Adventist

Completion: October 2023

Value: $ 2,900,000

Construction of a new two storey brick veneer classroom building and associated site works, including new front and rear covered outdoor spaces and walkways. 

Mount Annan Christian College-Block B (K-2)

Client: Mount Annan Christian College

Completion: September 2023

Value: $ 7,200,000

Construction of classrooms for Kindergarten to Year 1 students, with accompanying enclosed learning street and open gathering and play spaces.

Completed Projects

Mosman Rowing Club

Client: Mosman Rowing Club

Completion: May 2023

Value: $ 1,450,000

Alterations and additions, including second storey to the Rowers Shed and access lift and stairs

Leppington Anglican College

Client: Sydney Anglican Schools

Architect: Gardner Wetherill & Associates

Completion: January 2023

Value: $ 6,000,000

Stage 1B, comprising 3 buildings, COLA and shade structure, including external works, car park, fencing, pathways and landscaping

Mount Annan Christian College – Plaza Works

Client: Mount Annan Christian College

Completion: August 2022

Value: $ 1,300,000

Plaza and landscaping works and associated services

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Recovery & Wellbeing College and Virtual Care, Kogarah

Client: South East Sydney Local Health District

Completion: June 2022

Value: $ 800,000

Fit out to accommodate the Recovery & Wellbeing College and the Mental Health Virtual Care Centre

Marist College, Eastwood

Client: Sydney Catholic Schools

Completion Date: May 2022

Value: $ 539,200

Miscellaneous works

St Luke’s – Headland Sports Facility, North Curl Curl

Client: Sydney Anglican Schools

Completion Date: May 2022

Value: $ 1,100,000

Convert two industrial units into a Sports Centre for St Luke’s Grammar School.

Don Kyatt Facility, Marsden Park

Client: DKT Australia Pty Ltd

Completion date: May 2022

Value: $ 4,200,000

The works involve the construction of a new industrial warehouse facility.

Rouse Hill Anglican College

Client: Anglican Schools Corporation

Completion date: January 2022

Value: $ 9,000,000

The works involve the construction of a new Junior School building with surrounding covered verandah, links to the adjacent existing Junior School buildings, incorporating an amphitheatre, play zones, external lift and bridge and all associated works

INC Chapel

Client: Iglesias Ni Cristos

Completion date: March 2021

Value: $ 395,000

The works involve the Design and Construction of a new facade for the existing Chapel

Nowra Christian College

Client:  Nowra Baptist Church Property Pty Ltd

Completion date:  July 2020

Value:  $  3,264,000

The works involve the removal of existing site structures and the construction of a new single storey TAS building and associated works.

St Aidan’s Anglican Church, Hurstville Grove

Client:  Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of Sydney

Completion date: June 2020

Value: $ 1,300,000

The works involve alterations and additions to the existing Church buildings and all associated services.

St Patrick’s College, Campbelltown

Client:  St Patrick’s College

Completion Date: June 2020

Value: $ 1,162,000

The works involve Stage 2C which includes: The demolition of portions of the existing Westview building, refurbishment and fitout of the existing Westview building and associated external works.

Brigidine College, Randwick

Client:  Sydney Catholic Schools

Completion date: March 2020

Value: $ 595,000

Stage 1 works involve the reinstatement and modification to existing level 4 verandah and Fire Engineering alterations and additions to existing Class 9a School Building

Good Shepherd Primary, Plumpton

Client:   Catholic Education – Diocese of Parramatta

Completion date:  August 2019

Value:  $  5,476,000

The works involve the demolition of multiple existing structures, construction of a new two-storey building, associated external works, integration works comprising various upgrades and refurbishments to other associated areas to integrate the new works into the existing school.

Annangrove Road, Rouse Hill

Client:  ARN Developments Pty Ltd

Completion date:  April 2019

Value:  $  8,400,000

The works involve the construction of a mix use development, comprising retail spaces, office suites, warehouse units with office space, extension of existing Childcare Centre and associated driveways and car parking spaces.

Community Church, Hornsby

Client:  Community Church Hornsby

Completion date:  March 2019

Value:  $  900,000

The works involve the alterations and additions of existing units 3 and 4 and to convert them to a Place of Public Worship, including all associated services.

Demountable Refurbishment

Client: Pacific Hills Christian School

Completion date: February 2019

Value: $ 548,279

The works involve the refurbishment of an existing demountable building

St Francis of Assisi, Paddington

Client: Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney

Completion date:  August 2018

Value:  $  6,200,000

The works involve the Construction Management of the refurbishment of a 4 storey School Building and alterations and additions to an adjacent Satellite building.

Belgenny Farm Toilet Upgrade

Client:  Department of Industry

Completion date:  July 2018

Value:  $  326,780

The works involve the renovation and extension of an existing toilet block, with associated electrical, hydraulic, and construction works.

Emmanuel Church, Glenhaven

Client:  Adventist Church Property Trust

Completion date:  February 2018

Value:  $  1,900,000

The works involve the upgrade of the existing church building and associated works.

Caddy Storage, Berkeley Vale

Client:  Caddy Storage

Completion date:  November 2017

Value:  $  3,800,000

The works involve the construction of a new warehouse/showroom/office/storage building.

Hills Adventist College – Middle School

Client: The Greater Sydney Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Completion date:  April 2018

Value:  $  2,800,000

The works involve the construction of a new 2 storey brick veneer classroom block, amenities and associated site works, including new walkways to link the Middle School to the existing Senior School.

Hills Basketball Stadium, Castle Hill

Client: Hills Basketball Association

Completion date:  October 2017

Value:  $  4,709,800

The works involve the alterations and additions to the existing Basketball Centre, incorporating two additional courts, grandstand, external works, car parking and landscaping..

Wesley Lodge, Westmead

Client: The Uniting Church for Parramatta Mission

Completion date:  September 2017

Value:  $  748,887

The works involve the construction of a Lift and associated demolition works and refurbishment of the facade of the existing building.

Pacific Hills Christian School, Dural

Client: Pacific Hills Christian School

Completion date:  June 2017

Value:  $  3,075,869

The works involve the construction of a new three storey GLA Building and associated demolition works.

Hills Adventist College-Stage 3b, Kellyville

Client: The Greater Sydney Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Completion date:  November 2016

Value:  $  1,349,959

The works involve the construction of a new two storey building and associated services and landscaping.

Macarthur Adventist College, Macquarie Fields

Client:  The Greater Sydney Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church
Completion date:  March 2016
Value: $  1,872,543

Construction of a two Storey Building comprising an Art Room, IT Lab and Music rooms and the fitout of the Science Classroom.



LaSalle Catholic College, Bankstown

Client:  Catholic Education Office, Sydney
Completion date:  January 2016
Value: $  1,778,462

Refurbishment of Blocks B, D and S and associated services.

St Charles Borromeo-Parish Office Refurbishment

Client:  Catholic Education Office, Sydney
Completion date:  November 2015
Value: $  97,107

Refurbishment of existing Parish office.

Hills Adventist College-Stage 3a, Kellyville

Client: The Greater Sydney Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Completion date:  November 2015

Value:  $  1,296,529

The works involve the construction of a new two storey building comprising of Performance spaces on the Ground floor and Classrooms on the First Floor.

St Mary’s Catholic Primary, North Sydney

Client: The Catholic Education Office Sydney

Completion date:  July 2015

Value:  $ 984,964

The works involve the enclosure of the existing ground floor and first floor spaces between the two classroom buildings on Ridge Street and alterations to the ground and first floor of the existing Library at St Mary’s Primary School, North Sydney.

Sutherland Hospital – Mental Health

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District
Completion date:  July 2015
Value: $  233,948

Community Mental Health Expansion at The Sutherland Hospital

La Perouse Oral Health – New Dental Clinic

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District
Completion date:  June 2015
Value: $  439,258

The works involve the alterations and additions to La Perouse Aboriginal Health Centre to form a new Dental Clinic at Elaroo Avenue, La Perouse

St Augustine’s Anglican Church, Neutral Bay

Client:  Anglican Church Property Trust, Diocese of Sydney

Completion date:  March 2015

Value:  $ 1,939,547

Alterations and additions of existing Church and Church Hall and associated site works.

POWH-Emergency Department upgrade

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District

Completion date:  March 2015

Value:  $  1,697,792

The works involve the upgrade works to the Emergency Department at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick

St Charles Borromeo-Stage 2, Ryde

Client:  Catholic Education Office, Sydney
Completion date:  March 2015
Value: $  625,789

Construction of a new two storey Presbytery and associated landscape and ground works.

Marie Bashir Public School

Client:  NSW Public Works

Completion date:  February 2015

Value:  $  398,299

Classroom upgrade and associated services.

James Erskine Public School

Client:  NSW Public Works

Completion date:  February 2015

Value:  $  153,076

Access works and associated services.

Hills Adventist School, Kellyville

Client:  Seventh Day Adventist Church

Completion date:  January 2015

Value:  $  1,888,778

New Senior School (stage 2) and associated works.

POWH-ICU Storage

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District

Completion date:  August 2014

Value:  $  1,576,691

Demolition works and alterations to existing hospital spaces to upgrade ICU rooms to isolation standard and provide new waiting and store/decant room, alteration of existing and provision of new external stairs and external paving and soft landscape works.

Illawarra Childhood Development Centre

Client:  Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District

Completion date:  June 2014

Value:  $  746,000

Alterations and additions to the Childhood Development Centre.

Our Lady of Assumption, North Strathfield

Client:  Catholic Education Office

Completion date:  April 2014


Refurbish former Admin building for a new school display suite.

Mountain View Adventist College, Doonside

Client:  Seventh Day Adventist Church

Completion date:  March 2014

Value:  $  460,000

Construction Management of the Food Tech fitout, and the supply and installation of a metal ceiling and Pulastic Sports floor to the Hall.

Wollongong Hospital-Mortuary Upgrade

Client:  Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD

Completion date:  January 2014

Value:   $  1,035,700

Staged refurbishment of the Mortuary at Wollongong Hospital

Huntley’s Cove

Client:  NSW Strata

Completion date:  November 2013

Value:  $  189,116

Minor repair works to various houses

St George Hospital-Cancer Care

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District

Completion date:  September 2013

Value:  $  107,746

Refurbishment of the Cancer Care Clinic.

Norwest Private Hospital

Client:  Specialist Services Pty Ltd
Completion date:  September  2013
Value: $  268,542

Fit out of Suite for Specialist Consultant at Norwest Private Hospital

St Charles Borromeo, Ryde

Client:  Catholic Education Office, Sydney
Completion date:  August 2013
Value: $  873,000

Construction of a new two storey Presbytery, Priests Common Room and associated landscape and ground works.

St George Hospital-Pitney Building

Client:  South East Sydney Local Health District

Completion date:  August 2013

Value:  $  510,394

Strip out of the ground floor and construction of a new suspended concrete first floor complete with fit out of the Pitney Building

Bulli Hospital – Patient Facilities Upgrade Stage B

Client:  Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD

Completion date:   August 2013

Value:   $  150,000

Patient facilities upgrade Stage B, Syd Atkins Ward at Bulli Hospital.

Pacific Hills Christian School

 Client: Pacific Hills Christian School

Completion Date:  May 2013

Value: $ 600,000

Construction and completion of the Performing Arts Centre Stage 2 building works.

Charlton Christian College, Fassifern

Client:    Charlton Christian College

Completion date:  November 2012

Value:  $ 5,300,000

Staged construction of a New Science block, Multi-purpose hall, Music GLA’s, COLA and associated landscaping.


Wycliffe Christian School, Warrimoo

Client: McPherson Smith King Architects

Completion date:  September 2012

Value:  $ 1,200,000

New two storey Trade Training Centre and associated works

St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary, Randwick North

Client:  Catholic Education Office

Completion date:  Stages 1 & 2 – Nov 2010 to June 2012

Value:  $  3,300,000

Stage 1 – Refurbishment of admin and construction of a new elevated library building and Stage 2 – Renovation of existing buildings.

Fairview Road, Canley Vale

Client:  Common Equity NSW

Completion date:  October 2011

Value: $ 3,000,000

Construction of seventeen dwellings and associated community facilities and carparking.

Canley Vale Road, Canley Vale

Client:  Common Equity NSW

Completion date:  October 2011

Value:  $  2,600,000

Construction of six dwellings and associated community facilities and carparking.

Regina Coeli Catholic Primary, Beverly Hills

Client:  Catholic Education Office

Completion date:  November 2010

Value:  $ 1,600,000

Conversion of an existing Parish builing into a Multi purpose Hall.

St Brigid’s Catholic Primary, Coogee

Client:  Catholic Education Office

Completion date:  August 2010

Value:  $ 1,488,000

Construction of a new Multi-purpose hall, including landscaping works.

170 Power Street, Glendenning

Client: T & M deRooy

Completion date:  August 2010

Value: $ 6,000,000

Construction of a new 7219 m2, three unit industrial complex.

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary, Cabramatta

Client:  Catholic Education Office, Sydney 

Completion Date: March 2010

Value: $ 2,100,000

New Multi-purpose hall, COLA and classroom refurbishment

Riverstone Parade, Riverstone

Client:  Bebrovo Pty Ltd

Completion date:  December 2008

Value:  $ 2,200,000

Construction of a complex of 5 units comprising a two storey office and warehouse block and associated car parking

New office / warehouse complex

Hunter Pacific International

Client: Hunter Pacific International

Completion date: November 2008

Value: $ 3,000,000

Construction of a new office building (stage 1) and a new warehouse building (stage 2) complete with basement car park, mezzanine office and ground floor laboratory.

Parramatta Mission

Client:   Parramatta Mission

Completion date:  October 2008

Value:  $  379,000

Alterations to an existing apartment building

Beecroft Buddies

Client:  Private Client

Completion date:  September 2008

Value:  $ 1,200,000

Demolition of existing building and construction of a new Child Care Centre at Beecroft.

Beechworth Road, Pymble

Client:  Private Residence

Completion date: October 2007

Value:   $ 1,000,000

Construction of a new split level luxury home.

Roseville College

Client:   Studio GA

Completion date: Staged from 2005 to 2007

Value:  $ 6,400,000

Refurbishment of ground level amenities and canteen and staged refurbishment of the 3 storey Mary Richardson Building, including a total re-construction of the top floor.